沃尔得英语 项目介绍
加盟合作意向问答 Q&A
Q: What is the class fee structure?
问: 课程收费架构如何?
A: China is a vast country with varied standard of living. The class fee structure should correlate to the dispensable income of the particular region in which your business is being conducted. We shall be happy to work with you in details once your request for consideration has been approved.
答: 课程收费架构会因各省市的人均收入而有所区别。如您的合作加盟申请获得通过,我司将非常乐意提供进一步的资料。
Q: Do you have a center now? Where is it?
问: 沃尔得英语培训中心目前有几家?分布在甚么地方?
A: World English China’s twelve centers are currently located in Ningbo, Qingdao, Nantong, Jiaxing, Taizhou, Changsha, Xiaoshan, Changzhou, Suzhou and Guangzhou.
答: 目前于宁波、青岛、南通、嘉兴、台州、长沙、南京、萧山、常州、苏州及广州均设有沃尔得英语培训中心。
Q: What is the total investment amount required?
问: 总投资需要多少?
A: Total investment would depend on geography. As a reference, the start-up investment for a center in Ningbo amounts to 1.8M RMB.
答: 总投资会因地理因素而异。作为参考,一家宁波的培训中心总投资约200万人民币。
Q: What are the initial fees pay to World English China?
问: 交付沃尔得中国的权利金是多少?
A: The initial fee is 400K RMB.
答: 初始权利金为40万人民币。
Q: What are the monthly fees, such as royalty, marketing co-op, trademark, etc.?
问: 除权利金外,沃尔得中国每月还将收取那些费用(如:经营服务金、商标租用金等)?
A: The monthly fee (e.g. royalty, trademark licensing, etc.) amounts to 10% of sales.
答: 沃尔得中国将收取中心每月营业额的10%作为持续服务费。
Q: Is there a preference toward direct-own-unit or partnership?
问: 贵公司是否对自营店或合作加盟店有所偏好?
A: Not necessarily。 World English China accepts wholly-owned franchise center and joint-venture center applications.
答: 没有。沃尔得中国接受全资的加盟中心及合作加盟中心的申请。
Q: What are the real estate requirements for a World English China’s center?
问: 沃尔得英语培训中心的营业面积及规格要求如何?
A: Footage and facility requirements would depend on the business models offered by a particular center. We shall be happy to work with you in details once your request for consideration has been approved.
答: 营业面积及规格会因门店的规模而有所区别。如您的合作加盟申请获得通过,我司将非常乐意提供进一步的资料。
Q: What’s the average time for starting up a business from the date of contractual commitment?
问: 达成合作协议后,需要多少时间可以开业?
A: Approximately 3-4 months mainly depending on locale availability and turnaround time to obtain the necessary licenses from the local government bodies.
答: 一般来说3-4个月。开业时间表取决于能否找到合适的营业地点及当地政府发照的速度而定。
Q: What is the organization chart for a typical World English Center?
问: 沃尔得英语培训中心的人事安排如何?
A: Staffing requirement varies depending on the business models offered by a particular center. We shall be happy to work with you in details once your request for consideration has been approved.
答: 人事安排会因门店的规模而有所区别。如您的合作加盟申请获得通过,我司将非常乐意提供进一步的资料。
Q: What are the qualifications for World English Instructors?
问: 沃尔得的导老师须具备那些条件?
A: The topmost attributes should be passion for teaching, love to work with students, outgoing personality. We shall be providing professional training techniques and World English lessons delivery.
答: 沃尔得英语导老师必须对培训工作抱有热诚、客户服务导向及性格开朗。我司将对导老师们进行教学技巧及课程传达等方面的专职培训。
Q: What is the expected ROI for an average World English center?
问: 沃尔得英语于中国的培训中心平均率是?
A: The ROI would be roughly around 20% EBITDA.
答: 利税折摊前的回报率在20%左右.
Q: Are you going to set any discriminatory thresholds (ex. need of financing, previous professional background in education, etc.) while considering candidacy?
问: 贵公司筛选加盟合作申请人的条件有何标准(如:财务、教育背景等)?
A: We do have a set of criteria for evaluating candidates. We believe that the adherence to these criteria will minimize risks and maximize the success rate for the partnership in a long run.
答: 我司确实有一套筛选加盟申请人的指引。我司相信这套指引能帮助双方降低风险及提高日后合作的**。
Q: What do you normally look for in a business partner?
问: 贵公司寻求的合作加盟者应具备什么条件?
A: Besides capital, we would hope that this partner can contribute to the success of the center by possessing local resources in areas such as business licenses application, marketing channels, etc.
答: 除资金以外, 我司更希望合作加盟者拥有当地能协助中心成功营运的资源,如:执照申请、市场推广渠道等。
If you are interested in investing in a World English center, please fill out the attached Request for Consideration and send it back to us via email or fax.
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