热炒各省市的Le Creme Milano,抢占先机者,赢!
品牌名称:Le Creme Milano | 行业分类:餐饮 |
投资金额: | 加盟费用:面议 |
主营产品:意式冰淇淋 |
风靡各省市的Le Creme Milano,抢占先机者,赢!Le Creme Milano成立于2005年,坐落在上海市徐汇区陕西南路434号,主要从事意式冰淇淋的研究和经营,Le Creme Milano发源于中国,经过多年来的发展,已经在餐饮中有了**的品牌影响力和感召力。我们以专职、专心、专注作为企业的核心价值。得到了社会各界的广泛认可和,是有排名度的项目之一。我们本着以品质与文化为基础,以服务与创新为发展,立足中国,发展国内外。如果你也想要加入我们,不要犹豫,赶紧行动起来吧!我们的招商模式是:直营,现在正在对中国进行广泛招商,只要你符合以下加盟条件,就可以投资几万,简单抢占餐饮的商机!
项目简介:Our Italian gelateria first opened in July 2008 with an open kitchen. Our production and management is deeply rooted in Italian tradition, a reflection of our Italian ownership and heritage. We chose an open-kitchen layout to show our customers and clients how we make gelato, a process we are very proud of. 我们的可视操作间旗舰店于2008年七月正式开张,由意大利投资人进行严谨而认真的直接管理。之所以我们选择全敞开式的可视生产工作室,是因为我们想要顾客能够看到我们的操作的整个过程。All of our products include only the freshest of ingredients, including seasonal fruits and quality Italian-imported materials.Above all, we value the freshness, quality, and taste of our ice cream, principles that all true gelato should be based on. We"d like to think of our product as the healthy, fresh, and guilt-free alternative to traditional ice cream.With that said, we"ll let our gelato speak for itself! We make it daily so stop by and have a look!所有的产品我们都选用鲜的当季水果和意大利原装进口口味酱。而产品的新鲜度也是我们注重的,也是意大利手工冰淇淋闻名国内外的原因.我们也会让大家品尝到不同于大批量流水线生产的美式冰淇淋.更健康更营养更低脂的美味。我们等待你们的到来,看到我们如何准备和制作我们的特色手工冰淇淋。